Friday, July 31, 2009

Wish I was there too...

Missing my man!
Brandon and the young men of our ward set out for Havasupai last wednesday. How lucky is he?
The trail is approximately 8 miles long to Supai (Indian reservation), with an extra 2 miles added on in order to reach the campgrounds, and descends some 3000 vertical feet. They hiked down on thursday, and today I imagine they're swimming in that beautiful water.
They hike out and drive home tomorrow. I think I'll plan a girls trip next month. Who's in?
Can't wait to get the full story on Sat!!


Shara said...

Wow, that is gorgeous. I'll take a girls trip with you, doesn't it just look so relaxing?

Codi said...

Looks beautiful! My brother in law just got went there last month and said it's so amazing. His pictures were incredible - hope Brandon has a great time!

Hello though, looks like you're headed to La Jolla soon! I'd take that over an 8 mile hike in any day :)

I'll be waiting for a fun blog post after your trip - have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hello!!! I want to go!! I think we will have to go next year though. You have to reserve pretty far in advance. But count me in!

jjtsoccer said...

Lets do it! Jon leaves tomorrow for a week with our young men for there camp. I will need a break, I don't care where!

Alyce said...

Havasupai- I went there years ago, it's one of the prettiest places I've ever been. I bet it was H-O-T though!