Thursday, September 2, 2010

My duty the past 3 days

Call me nerdy if you want, but I have always wanted to be called to jury duty. I was officially summoned here in St. George a few weeks ago and served my 3 day term ending late last night.  Of course, you have to first be selected which wasn't difficult for me.  I did what they asked, and didn't raise my hand and blurt out that I didn't like cops. (Yes, one gentleman got the "boot" as soon as the judge heard that comment.)  They must have really thought my life was as basic as you get...boy the things they don't know.  Especially because it was a motorcycle/car accident and failed to ask any questions as to whether we'd ever ridden on a bike or even if we'd ever been in a motorcycle accident.  (Yes, for me on both of those.) Oh well, I'm sure they had reason to ask the questions they did and as a result ended up choosing a very good jury in my opinion.  The whole experience was interesting and educational for me, maybe even more so since I previously worked in a law firm.  We were given a civil case where we were responsible to determine negligence on one or both sides.  After all the discussion of this case, laws of the road, and preponderance of evidence, I'll be more cautious in making left turns and be sure my loved ones wear helmets when riding bikes.  If you're as nerdy as I am and have an hour to kill, ask me about it sometime.
A BIG SUPER HUGE thanks to those great friends of mine who watched my girls over the past 3 days.  They keep telling me to go back to "work".  Love ya!